Anyone who has a desire to serve the community as a volunteer is eligible to register with Arrowhead RSVP or Northland Volunteer Center. There are no restrictions based on education, income, or experience. Service hours are scheduled to meet the individual wishes and interests of the volunteer as well as the volunteer location. Each volunteer is asked to give 48 or more service hours during the year. The mission of Arrowhead RSVP is to engage persons 55 and better in volunteer services to meet critical community needs and to provide a high-quality experience that will enrich their lives. Seniors come equipped with a lifetime of experience, skills and interests to share and often have more available time to serve. Northland Volunteer Center (NVC) promotes volunteerism by assisting people of all ages- including families- to find meaningful volunteer opportunities in their communities, providing education and information, networking meetings, and sponsoring special volunteer events such as the annual Volunteer Fair, Purple Ribbon Recognition and Hall of Fame Volunteer Awards.