Christine Martin created the idea of Underpants For All in 2009. She loved hand-me-downs and thrift stores. Christine realized many people have no issue wearing others old clothing items-unless it was underpants. No one wants to wear used underwear. She jumpstarted this idea through her birthday party; her guests brought new underwear instead of gifts. These items were donated after the party. In 2013 when an EF5 tornado hit and destroyed Moore, Oklahoma Christine realized many people, who no longer had homes, would also be left without clean underwear to wear every day. Christine and her mother donated hundreds of pairs of underwear to Oklahoma after the tornado. Since then, Christine has been able to set up small underwear/ undergarment drives. She donated the items she received to a few local non-profits! Christine has now made Underpants For All its own organization! We are committed to maintaining the dignity of each individual and believe that clean underwear is a very important part of that. Many organizations collect used or lightly worn clothes to donate to those in need, but this rarely includes underwear. This is because underwear is not meant to be shared or reworn/gifted. Underwear is personal to each person and should remain that way. This principle is the reason why Underpants For All was founded and our team feels blessed to have this opportunity to give those in need a small piece of confidence that could hopefully make a huge difference in their life.